Prize for the best work in Humanities at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015.

The researcher Begoña Altuna received the prize for the best work in Humanities (Euskarazko denbora-egituren tratamendu automatikorako azterketa “Automatic analysis of time structures for Basque”) at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015. Begoña Altuna ikerlariak humanitatean lan onenari saria jaso zuen Ikerlari gazteen kongresuan IkerGazte 2015, Euskarazko denbora-egituren tratamendu automatikorako azterketa “Automatic analysis of time structures for Basque” lanarekin.
The researcher Begoña Altuna received the prize for the best work in Humanities (Euskarazko denbora-egituren tratamendu automatikorako azterketa “Automatic analysis of time structures for Basque”) at the conference for young researchers IkerGazte 2015.
Begoña Altuna