Multilingual segmentation based on neural networks and pre-trained word embeddings

The DISPRT 2019 workshop has organized a shared task aiming to identify cross-formalism and multilingual discourse segments. Elementary Discourse Units (EDUs) are quite similar across different theories. Segmentation is the very first stage on the way of rhetorical annotation. Still, each annotation project adopted several decisions with consequences not only on the annotation of the relational discourse structure but also at the segmentation stage. In this shared task, we have employed pre-trained word embeddings, neural networks (BiLSTM+CRF) to perform the segmentation. We report F1 results for 6 languages: Basque (0.853), English (0.919), French (0.907), German (0.913), Portuguese (0.926) and Spanish (0.868 and 0.769). Finally, we also pursued an error analysis based on clause typology for Basque and Spanish, in order to understand the performance of the segmenter.
Mikel Iruskieta, Kepa Bengoetxea, Aitziber Atutxa, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza
Artikuluaren erreferentzia: 
Proceedings of Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT2019), pages 125-133. Minneapolis, MN, June 6, 2019. ACL

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