
Deskribapen laburra: 
Automatic dubbing of documentaries.
Egileak (ixakideak ez direnak): 
Igor Leturia, Arantza del Pozo, Eva Navas,...(Berbatek proiektua)
Esteka (demoa): 
Esteka (beste batzuk): 
Automatic dubbing demo. The automatic dubbing of films is a difficult challenge for the moment (different voices, colloquial language, different speeds…), but for some types of documentaries (single speaker, voice-over, coordination of the lips not necessary or unimportant …) we’ve done a demo that performs satisfactorily. Given a documentary in Spanish and its transcription (which can be obtained automatically by means of any of the dictation programs for Spanish in the market), Vicomtech-IK4′s temporal alignment technology creates a subtitles file, a transcription with time marks for the beginning and end of each sentence. Then, the Matxin MT system, developed by the IXA group, automatically translates the subtitles into Basque, and Aholab’s text-to-speech technology obtains the synchronized voice. We have successfully applied this demo to the single-speaker sections of the television program Teknopolis produced by Elhuyar.
Given a documentary in Spanish and its transcription, the Matxin MT system, developed by the IXA group, automatically translates the subtitles into Basque, and Aholab’s text-to-speech technology obtains the synchronized voice
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