Aldizkaria, kongresua, liburua, liburu atala edo hitzaldi gonbidatua

Neural Machine Translation of clinical texts between long distance languages

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze techniques for machine translation of electronic health records (EHRs) between long distance languages, using Basque and Spanish as a reference. We studied distinct configurations of neural machine translation systems and used different methods to overcome the lack of a bilingual corpus of clinical texts or health records in Basque and Spanish.

Deep Cross-Lingual Coreference Resolution for Less-ResourcedLanguages: The Case of Basque

In this paper, we present a cross-lingual neural coreference resolution system for a less-resourced language such as Basque. To begin with, we build the first neural coreferenceresolution system for Basque, training it with the relatively small EPEC-KORREF corpus (45,000 words). Next, a cross-lingual coreference resolution system is designed. With this approach, the system learns from a bigger English corpus, using cross-lingual embeddings, to perform the coreference resolution for Basque.

LINGUATEC: Desarrollo de recursos lingüı́sticos para avanzar en la digitalización de las lenguas de los Pirineos

El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar, probar y difundir nuevos recursos, nuevas herramientas y aplicaciones lingüı́sticas innovadoras para mejorar el nivel de digitalización del aragonés, vasco y occitano.


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