
Learning about phraseology from corpora: A linguistically motivated approach for Multiword Expression identification.

Multiword Expressions (MWEs) are idiosyncratic combinations of words which pose important challenges to Natural Language Processing. Some kinds of MWEs, such as verbal ones, are particularly hard to identify in corpora, due to their high degree of morphosyntactic flexibility. This paper describes a linguistically motivated method to gather detailed information about verb+noun MWEs (VNMWEs) from corpora. Although the main focus of this study is Spanish, the method is easily adaptable to other languages.

Distância diacrónica automática entre variantes diatópicas do português e do espanhol

O objetivo deste trabalho é aplicar uma metodo- logia baseada na perplexidade, para calcular automa- ticamente a distância interlinguística entre diferentes períodos históricos de variantes diatópicas de idiomas.

Morfeus+: Word Parsing in Basque beyond Morphological Segmentation

This work describes the formalization of a word structure grammar that represents the complex morphological and morphosyntactic information embedded within the word forms of an agglutinative language (Basque), giving a comprehensive linguistic description of the main morphological phenomena, such as affixation, derivation, and composition, and also taking into account the modeling of both standard and non standard words. We have identified the relevant issues to be addressed in the representation of such a grammar.

Contextualized Translations of Phrasal Verbs with Distributional Compositional Semantics and Monolingual Corpora

This article describes a compositional distributional method to generate contextualized senses of words and identify their appropriate translations in the target language using monolingual corpora. Word translation is modeled in the same way as contextualization of word meaning, but in a bilingual vector space. The contextualization of meaning is carried out by means of distributional composition within a structured vector space with syntactic dependencies, and the bilingual space is created by means of transfer rules and a bilingual dictionary.


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